Orthopaedic Surgery


When you’re in pain, you need an expert on your team. The orthopaedic surgeons at Precision have over twenty years of experience treating bone and joint disorders, fractures, musculoskeletal diseases, and tears of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, in all regions of the body.

If surgery is recommended for your condition, we used the most advanced diagnostic tools, procedures, and surgical techniques available, including minimally invasive surgery. However, many conditions and injuries can be improved without surgery using medications, physical therapy, exercise, and other rehabilitative or alternative therapies which are all available onsite.

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The following is a list of the most common procedures performed by Precision’s orthopaedic surgeons:

Ankle Arthroscopy

Ankle Surgery

Ankle Replacement

Carpal Tunnel Release

Corticosteroid Injections

Foot Surgery

Hip Arthroscopy

Hip Replacement

Knee Arthroscopy

Knee Replacement

Nerve Blocks for Pain

Rotator Cuff Repair

Shoulder Replacement

Spine Surgery

Tendon & Ligament Repair

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